Thursday, February 4, 2010

And the Dice Keeps Rolling

A new college has been brought to my attention. It's Texas A&M University! My step dad told me that it is a really good school and that there are many traditions that I would enjoy if I went there. He also said that, that school is where many of his friends went and they loved it! So, with me being me, I did a little research myself and well, pretty much fell in love with the school! The new comers are called "Aggies." Don't ask me why, but I can tell you that it is one of the many traditions that is set at the school. I found it interesting and welcoming. Another tradition is the participation in the school's football games. You have to attend pre-game meetings to learn how to cheer them on correctly when they do certain actions during the game. Now, with my cheerleading skills and comfort with cheering a team on, that should be no problem for me! Now, enough with the traditions and on with the actual University. Did I mention the fact that this school is number seven on The Best Veterinary Colleges top ten? This completely fulfills my want to be learning the best of the best skills so that I can be a best of the best veterinarian! It's crazy to think that in seven more months I will be able to start applying for colleges and aiming for some scholarships!

Right now I need to focus on keeping my grades high and preparing for ACT and SAT tests. These tests could practically rule my future! I can't slack right now and I am nervous to actually go and take the tests, but in all reality who isn't nervous? To be honest, I feel I have been slacking in every single subject of school! I was complaining to my mom on how I just wanted to drop it all and call a quits. These are some stressful times, but I can never just call a quits because I know that it is something I will always regret. So, I'll let "the dice keep rolling" and take what ever odds come my way. The show, of college, must go on!


  1. This blog is really exciting! I love how you get so excited about your future...I wish I was always that excited. This university sounds really great and it seems perfect for what you plan to be doing. I also can't believe that it's almost time for our senior year, and then... college. An extremely frightening thought but exciting at the same time. I think it's awesome that you have such a defined plan for your future. With a plan like that, failure is not an option. :) I know you'll do great whatever you choose to do.
    P.S. The only Aggies I know of are like for an agricultural community and it's kinda like their mascot. :)

  2. Well I'm glad you found a school that you love. Maybe you could go for a college visit this summer to see if you absolutely LOVE the school. Its cool that you found a college thats still in Texas, so you don't have to worry about being far away from your family.
    I don't blame you about being nervous for our ACT and SAT tests. I'm starting to get really nervous, but I think if you prepare yourself enough you'll do fine because you are really smart!
