Thursday, February 11, 2010

There's a Fork and It's In My Road

My mom says that it is hard to watch your children change and choose what they want to do with their life. They get to go where they want to go and hang around the people that they want to hang around. My older brother wants to join the Air Force and my mom is throwing a hissy fit, but she will be fine. She also throws a hissy fit when it comes to me choosing where and what I want to do with college and, in general, my life. Well... all I want to say is, "I'm freaking out myself mom!"

The thing that is bothering me as of now is the fact that 80 percent of college students change their major at the very least once before graduation. Why does it have to be so difficult? I mean I honestly feel dead to the idea of being a veterinarian and continue to die as the days roll on. Why? Well, maybe it's just because I have found out so much information on it, but I haven't really been able to act out on the information. I am just drowning in papers, ideas, hopes, questions, and stress! I want to get out there and grab my dreams with a firm grip already! I feel like it's all just slipping away cause I am not reaching for the stars.

There are many factors that play into my average day that do take up my time and energy. By the time I actually have time to put into work I am no longer motivated or in the mood to. That's just the story of my present day life. I am stuck on a sticky and messy road that I don't know how to get out of and the only quote that is running through my head is, "It only gets darker before it gets pitch black."

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is going to support your decision on what you decide to do in college. I think it is really good that you've already decided on what you want to major in. I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do but I haven't done as much research as you have. If you start feeling iffy about still being a vet, you still have plenty of time to figure your future out. Most college students don't choose a major until their junior year so that means you have at least another 4 years to think about it.
