Friday, February 5, 2010


What does it take to get into a college? Well, good grades and test scores and more good grades and test scores. Is that all? No, colleges are looking for something greater and more successful than just good grades. They are looking for school participation and leadership. They are looking for unique characteristics that will only prosper into triumph and victory in the end. So, what programs, clubs, hobbies, or groups look good on a college application? I personally feel like I am slacking a little in the area of community and school involvement. Yes, I am a cheerleader and I attend, partricipate, and cheer on the Tiger teams, but does that look good on an application? Maybe if I was planning on being a cheerleader the rest of my life! I do know that it shows a sense of commitment, leadership, and involvement with the school so that contributes at least something significant. Other than that, I am not involved with any of the school clubs or groups. Where did I go wrong! Next school year I will try to be greatly involved with the community and school programs. It makes me one step closer to my goals does it not? I will only join programs that I feel that I am interested in and that I can give my complete and full attetntion, time, and passion to.

Today I donated blood for the very first time. I have always wanted to donate and I am finally old enough to donate! It exctied me when I found out that the dontation of blood looks great on a college application! Whoo, GO ME! I will be able to give blood every 56 days so, I am excited to make that one of my new hobbies and priorities for the future! One life can save many and I feel great knowing that I can be that one life!

Now, I did some research on what actually does look good on an application and these are a few subjects I found:

  1. AP/Honors/IB Courses

  2. Volunteering

  3. Jobs: summer jobs

  4. GPA: a B here and there won't kill you. However, try to maintain at least a 3.8 semester GPA unweighted. Try to maintain a good rank (top 5%), too.

  5. Have good relations with your teachers, 'cause you might want recommendations eventually.

  6. Strive to get good honors/awards

  7. Tutoring

  8. Communtiy service

  9. SAT/ACT scores

  10. Extra curicular activities

Well, I am half way there... I just have to get a little more involved. Just so I am playing on the safe side. It wont hurt to be extra safe!

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