Monday, February 22, 2010

The Time Is...... Not Now

This morning I went to school in a good mood trying to be positive through any obstacles thrown my way. I sat down in my US History chair and gladly began my warm-up, waiting to get up and stand for the pledge of allegiance. The boy on the intercom messed up the pledge so, I had a good laugh and my positive attitude was still in tact. The teacher opened up the "Stock Market" and I sold $470 worth of shares happily taking my money with me back to my seat. I was on a roll! The Smart Board turned into a PowerPoint covering The Great Depression, and I sat there listening to what the teacher had to say. One simple sentence struck me and stuck on me for the rest of the day. I instantly thought to myself, " I can write about this in my blog...". The teacher said, "One reason the Great Depression came to pass was because of a recession. It's kind of like the one we are in right now so, those of you who are trying to get into college... bad time to try."

Have you ever listened to someone talking to you and they happen to say a single word or sentence that completely stumps you and you can no longer make sense of what they are saying to you? It's as if, they all the sudden started speaking tongues and their words are coming out in slow motion with a deep pitch. In all reality, you are just in a deep thought and nothing else matters except your thoughts. Well, that was me when I heard her say it was a bad time to try to get into college. I was completely stumped and not able to protest about anything because I knew it was the cold hard truth. The recession is part of my life so, I don't know why I have been trying to act like it won't affect me in any way, shape, or form.

So, basically, all I got out of today was a HUGE slap in the face with the world shouting, "WELCOME TO REALITY BABY!" I believe I am awake for the recession now! Watch, tomorrow the Stock Market is going to crash and I am going to owe a ton of money! It will be just my luck! To have the positiveness sucked right out of me!

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