Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Date With the Principal

Yeah, the title sounds bad, but it's not exactly what it seems to be. This Wednesday the Principal came into my English class to have a little thing that I would like to call an "anxiety date". It was a group of students that came together to talk about the wonderful preparation's for ACT testing that we have been working on for the past few months. This meeting made me realize a lot of things that I really wasn't prepared for or even ready to hear.

At the beginning of the year I had no idea what ACT testing was all about. All I knew, is that I was no longer taking CSAP but, rather, moving on to the next level of silly school testing. Oh boy, was I in for a rude awakening! The first pre-test came by and I answered the questions with slight focus and little care. I mean come on, it is only a pre-test! After taking the test I was able to view my scores. I had no idea what score was good and what score was bad so, I asked around... My score turned out to be average. I personally, want to be better than average! I mean who doesn't?! So, I had the chance to take the test again and strive for a better score. Yes! I got a better score that time around but, I was still unsatisfied.

My unsatisfaction only grew ten times worse when I got a little more information on how my ACT scores would affect me for the rest of my life! Any chance of getting into a good college or getting amazing scholarships depends on my ACT score... Here comes my anxiety. If I don't get a good score, I don't get everything that makes my life so much easier. The expectations that I have for myself and that my parents have for me won't be reached and the world will feel like it is going to end. I would literally die right on the spot!

How to prepare for the big test coming up? Well, I have been able to get an insight on what my weaknesses are when it comes to testing and I have been focusing only on those weaknesses. Now, mentally, I have to tell myself every time I think about testing that I can do it and that I won't fail. "The way you think you will perform is exactly how you will perform." -The Principal. So, all I have to do is walk in with confidence, take the test with confidence, and walk out with that awesome score that I am expecting! Now, that is living the life!

1 comment:

  1. Do you know more then when you took the pretest? I think so - I know so and that will show up on the big day!
