Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Could Be This...

The easy way out of situation's is how I would love to live life! A good challenge here and there like a huge essay is okay.... stressful, but okay. Why? Well, I learn something new and I am able to express myself through that report. That is not so bad right? The bad only shows if the teacher doesn't like the way I interpreted that report. Then I am extra stressed. Everyone has a different opinion about different events right? How is anyone graded fairly when it comes to interpreting a difficult reading? I mean the teacher themselves have a different opinion! How do they grade fairly? I don't understand how the whole system works. It is unfair but, life in general is unfair.

Now, I feel lucky to be living where I am right now because I am able to know the teacher's personally. I couldn't imagine going to a high school where the teacher can't even remember my name. They would definitely strike marks on my paper because they can't see the potential behind the words. How does that effect the students who are actually attending those schools? I can't even imagine.... Although, where there is huge schools, there is wealth. Where there is wealth, there is opportunity. Where there is opportunity, there is success.

I have the choice to either stay in La Junta for my Senior year and graduate here, or I can go to a high school that is double all of our schools put together in Texas, and finish up there. What would be a wise decision? If I stay, doesn't that give all the better chance of continuing to get good grades, get involved with the community, and get good scholarships? How would moving my Senior effect me and my future? I honestly have no idea what would happen. It's either all or nothing. Do I take that risk of failure? The unknown is so scary!

1 comment:

  1. AHH! That is a scary thought. I know that for me personally, I would not do good in a big school. I love how I know every person I walk past in the halls and I love actually having relationships with my teachers, but that's just me. I think you would do well no matter where you went. It all depends on what is most important to you. And though wealth does sometimes lead to success, it can also lead to failure. Not everyone in a big school is wealthy and the ones that are have no idea what it takes to survive in the "real world." I, of course, don't want you to leave, but you need to "follow your heart" and do what you feel is best for you. :) LOVE YA!!!
