Friday, February 26, 2010

An Untold False Alarm

I just got in the shower when my brother came knocking on the door saying that someone was on the phone for me. I asked who it was and he said some college. My mind immediately skipped to Bel Rea because I sent them some information about me because I thought it was exactly what I was looking for. Well, not any more! I told him that I couldn't take the phone because I was in the shower and that he needed to take a message. Hopefully, him being the smart person he is, he would take a good message.

I got out of the shower to find that he didn't remember anything that was said over the phone... What?! How could he forget? It had only been about five minutes since he got off the phone! So, here I am as of now, wondering which college tried to contact me and for what reason. I will never know unless I get another call. Was the shower really worth it? No, it wasn't! I am hoping that the opportunity will eventually happen again and the next time I won't be in the shower!

Spring Break is almost here! I get to go to Texas and check out a few campuses so, we will see if my choice of college is actually where I feel comfortable and want to be! Everything is moving very SLOWLY for me right now so, I don't have much to elaborate on. We'll see how the visit goes!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Time Is...... Not Now

This morning I went to school in a good mood trying to be positive through any obstacles thrown my way. I sat down in my US History chair and gladly began my warm-up, waiting to get up and stand for the pledge of allegiance. The boy on the intercom messed up the pledge so, I had a good laugh and my positive attitude was still in tact. The teacher opened up the "Stock Market" and I sold $470 worth of shares happily taking my money with me back to my seat. I was on a roll! The Smart Board turned into a PowerPoint covering The Great Depression, and I sat there listening to what the teacher had to say. One simple sentence struck me and stuck on me for the rest of the day. I instantly thought to myself, " I can write about this in my blog...". The teacher said, "One reason the Great Depression came to pass was because of a recession. It's kind of like the one we are in right now so, those of you who are trying to get into college... bad time to try."

Have you ever listened to someone talking to you and they happen to say a single word or sentence that completely stumps you and you can no longer make sense of what they are saying to you? It's as if, they all the sudden started speaking tongues and their words are coming out in slow motion with a deep pitch. In all reality, you are just in a deep thought and nothing else matters except your thoughts. Well, that was me when I heard her say it was a bad time to try to get into college. I was completely stumped and not able to protest about anything because I knew it was the cold hard truth. The recession is part of my life so, I don't know why I have been trying to act like it won't affect me in any way, shape, or form.

So, basically, all I got out of today was a HUGE slap in the face with the world shouting, "WELCOME TO REALITY BABY!" I believe I am awake for the recession now! Watch, tomorrow the Stock Market is going to crash and I am going to owe a ton of money! It will be just my luck! To have the positiveness sucked right out of me!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Could Be This...

The easy way out of situation's is how I would love to live life! A good challenge here and there like a huge essay is okay.... stressful, but okay. Why? Well, I learn something new and I am able to express myself through that report. That is not so bad right? The bad only shows if the teacher doesn't like the way I interpreted that report. Then I am extra stressed. Everyone has a different opinion about different events right? How is anyone graded fairly when it comes to interpreting a difficult reading? I mean the teacher themselves have a different opinion! How do they grade fairly? I don't understand how the whole system works. It is unfair but, life in general is unfair.

Now, I feel lucky to be living where I am right now because I am able to know the teacher's personally. I couldn't imagine going to a high school where the teacher can't even remember my name. They would definitely strike marks on my paper because they can't see the potential behind the words. How does that effect the students who are actually attending those schools? I can't even imagine.... Although, where there is huge schools, there is wealth. Where there is wealth, there is opportunity. Where there is opportunity, there is success.

I have the choice to either stay in La Junta for my Senior year and graduate here, or I can go to a high school that is double all of our schools put together in Texas, and finish up there. What would be a wise decision? If I stay, doesn't that give all the better chance of continuing to get good grades, get involved with the community, and get good scholarships? How would moving my Senior effect me and my future? I honestly have no idea what would happen. It's either all or nothing. Do I take that risk of failure? The unknown is so scary!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Then and Now

If there was a time period that made it easier to get into college I would zap back in time right this second! Was it easier for our parents to get into a college back in the day than for us to today? They make college sound so easy and all that they want for you is to get a good scholarship so that they don't have to pay so much! Or maybe my parents just think I am the smartest cookie on the block and I will get through anything, meaning I will get into college without a problem.

My parents are my motivation to keep my grades up and keep on researching and searching for a good college. Without them consistently nagging at me, I have no idea where I would be. Did they have to go through the same exact nagging from their parents? They are just passing down the "exciting" tradition I suppose. Looking at how successful they are shows that it got them somewhere though so, it does some good!

My mom went to college with four kids under her belt! How did she do it? I don't know, but she uses that her excuse to say that I can do anything. She says, "You're my daughter and if I could to do it, so can you." She has a point but, sometimes I feel like I am not recognized as my own individual. Maybe I can't do it sometimes! After all, she is very Sanguine and me... I'm Melancholy!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Went and Did It.. Now I'm Over Thinking

A long time ago I decided to go and talk to the counselor of the school for information about how to get on my feet for college. I tried to set up a date and time that my parents and I could come in and talk to her personally, but she told me to look on her homepage under the school's website first. If I can't find what I am looking for there, than I can come in and talk to her. I have yet to look up her page but, I have at the very least looked at the colleges pages and what it takes to get into them. In one of my recent posts I have listed the top ten categories that a college is looking for in their students. Although those are the top ten, every college is different.

One college may want a certain score on a ACT or SAT but, if the student doesn't reach those goals, they have alternative ways for that certain student to still be able to be accepted into the college. Other colleges may want a certain score on a ACT or SAT and if the student doesn't reach them they are not accepted no matter what. Some colleges will only accept students who are the top 5% of their high school and have those ACT or SAT scores that reach their requirements. They must have both to be able to attend that college.

Talk about pressure! I understand that you have to be smart and outstanding to attend the big university's, but it takes so much just to get there! A question that has always came to the front of my mind is, are the ACT and SAT tests accurate when it comes to giving the score? What if Einstein took the test? Would he have been able to pass with an outstanding score? Maybe in the Math and Science yes, but what about the English and Reading? He was a genius who couldn't remember to take a shower or take care of himself! Honestly, would he have been able to pass the test? Who knows.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Date With the Principal

Yeah, the title sounds bad, but it's not exactly what it seems to be. This Wednesday the Principal came into my English class to have a little thing that I would like to call an "anxiety date". It was a group of students that came together to talk about the wonderful preparation's for ACT testing that we have been working on for the past few months. This meeting made me realize a lot of things that I really wasn't prepared for or even ready to hear.

At the beginning of the year I had no idea what ACT testing was all about. All I knew, is that I was no longer taking CSAP but, rather, moving on to the next level of silly school testing. Oh boy, was I in for a rude awakening! The first pre-test came by and I answered the questions with slight focus and little care. I mean come on, it is only a pre-test! After taking the test I was able to view my scores. I had no idea what score was good and what score was bad so, I asked around... My score turned out to be average. I personally, want to be better than average! I mean who doesn't?! So, I had the chance to take the test again and strive for a better score. Yes! I got a better score that time around but, I was still unsatisfied.

My unsatisfaction only grew ten times worse when I got a little more information on how my ACT scores would affect me for the rest of my life! Any chance of getting into a good college or getting amazing scholarships depends on my ACT score... Here comes my anxiety. If I don't get a good score, I don't get everything that makes my life so much easier. The expectations that I have for myself and that my parents have for me won't be reached and the world will feel like it is going to end. I would literally die right on the spot!

How to prepare for the big test coming up? Well, I have been able to get an insight on what my weaknesses are when it comes to testing and I have been focusing only on those weaknesses. Now, mentally, I have to tell myself every time I think about testing that I can do it and that I won't fail. "The way you think you will perform is exactly how you will perform." -The Principal. So, all I have to do is walk in with confidence, take the test with confidence, and walk out with that awesome score that I am expecting! Now, that is living the life!

Friday, February 12, 2010

And These are My Plans?

There is only so much that can happen every week that I can write about! This blog has actually made me get out there and find or do something that I can write about. I have come to the conclusion, as of now, that I have been slacking on finding or doing something so that I could write. Or maybe I have done all the research that I possibly can. The next exciting event I can actually write about is if I experience being a veterinarian myself.

This Spring break I am going to Texas. If we have some free time I will be able to go and visit the Texas A & M and Rice University campus. My grandparent's are excited to take me and so are my parents. I am excited because I can really get an insight on where I am going and if that is where I want to be. I will have more references of colleges to list when I take my ACT's this following April! Yeah, Spring Break should mean just letting everything go for a week and just relaxing but, I think I will go crazy if I don't do anything!

A few actions I can take on as of now is going to talk to my school guidance counselor. I have been meaning to go up and set a timed date to talk to her, but I haven't ran into her like I have been hoping to. She can help me decide what activities I need to get involved with and what classes I should put my full attention and heart into. I like having a plan before I even need a plan made... It gives me a sense of security. At this point, security is all I need...

Getting There Means A Way

Average day people have to get from point A to point B some how right? They are able to get places by driving! That is something that I can't do... yet. I have talked many a times about how I cannot drive and how that would make my life so much easier! Just two more months! Two more months and I am on my way to taking another humiliating picture to keep on a driver's license for the rest of my life but, I don't care! I will finally be able to drive! I want to be able to take myself anywhere I want and need to at any time that I want to. I want to start working and being able to take myself to work without having to worry about getting a ride. I want to be able to take myself to school in the mornings, lunch in the afternoon, home in the evenings, and games or events at night.

Being able to drive gives me a sense of independence. It gives me a road to reaching for my goals. It takes me just a single step closer to being able to grasp my dreams. Isn't that what I have been looking for this entire time? Yes, it is exactly what I have been looking for. Once I drive I will go fill out an application to work at the Veterinary Clinic. I am excited to start! Just two months... That feels like the longest time ever but, I know that when the time actually comes I will feel that it came too fast. I feel I will have no idea how to handle my new privileges. I am ready to step ahead though so, two months COME FAST!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

There's a Fork and It's In My Road

My mom says that it is hard to watch your children change and choose what they want to do with their life. They get to go where they want to go and hang around the people that they want to hang around. My older brother wants to join the Air Force and my mom is throwing a hissy fit, but she will be fine. She also throws a hissy fit when it comes to me choosing where and what I want to do with college and, in general, my life. Well... all I want to say is, "I'm freaking out myself mom!"

The thing that is bothering me as of now is the fact that 80 percent of college students change their major at the very least once before graduation. Why does it have to be so difficult? I mean I honestly feel dead to the idea of being a veterinarian and continue to die as the days roll on. Why? Well, maybe it's just because I have found out so much information on it, but I haven't really been able to act out on the information. I am just drowning in papers, ideas, hopes, questions, and stress! I want to get out there and grab my dreams with a firm grip already! I feel like it's all just slipping away cause I am not reaching for the stars.

There are many factors that play into my average day that do take up my time and energy. By the time I actually have time to put into work I am no longer motivated or in the mood to. That's just the story of my present day life. I am stuck on a sticky and messy road that I don't know how to get out of and the only quote that is running through my head is, "It only gets darker before it gets pitch black."

Friday, February 5, 2010


What does it take to get into a college? Well, good grades and test scores and more good grades and test scores. Is that all? No, colleges are looking for something greater and more successful than just good grades. They are looking for school participation and leadership. They are looking for unique characteristics that will only prosper into triumph and victory in the end. So, what programs, clubs, hobbies, or groups look good on a college application? I personally feel like I am slacking a little in the area of community and school involvement. Yes, I am a cheerleader and I attend, partricipate, and cheer on the Tiger teams, but does that look good on an application? Maybe if I was planning on being a cheerleader the rest of my life! I do know that it shows a sense of commitment, leadership, and involvement with the school so that contributes at least something significant. Other than that, I am not involved with any of the school clubs or groups. Where did I go wrong! Next school year I will try to be greatly involved with the community and school programs. It makes me one step closer to my goals does it not? I will only join programs that I feel that I am interested in and that I can give my complete and full attetntion, time, and passion to.

Today I donated blood for the very first time. I have always wanted to donate and I am finally old enough to donate! It exctied me when I found out that the dontation of blood looks great on a college application! Whoo, GO ME! I will be able to give blood every 56 days so, I am excited to make that one of my new hobbies and priorities for the future! One life can save many and I feel great knowing that I can be that one life!

Now, I did some research on what actually does look good on an application and these are a few subjects I found:

  1. AP/Honors/IB Courses

  2. Volunteering

  3. Jobs: summer jobs

  4. GPA: a B here and there won't kill you. However, try to maintain at least a 3.8 semester GPA unweighted. Try to maintain a good rank (top 5%), too.

  5. Have good relations with your teachers, 'cause you might want recommendations eventually.

  6. Strive to get good honors/awards

  7. Tutoring

  8. Communtiy service

  9. SAT/ACT scores

  10. Extra curicular activities

Well, I am half way there... I just have to get a little more involved. Just so I am playing on the safe side. It wont hurt to be extra safe!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Whoa... I'm Excited!

The meeting with that lady went amazing! When I walked in I thought I was going to get a simple insight on what being a veterinary would be like, but instead I got an offer that I simply couldn't and cant turn down. There is a program at the school that allows you to practically job shadow for a class and earn credits for it! I was a little late if I wanted to start the class this semester, but that is no problem because I can't drive yet anyways. This class is actually known as a mentor ship class and it takes you to deep levels of experience to see if you are really interested in the job career that you are about to plan your whole future of college on! There are a few challenges in the class, but they are nothing that will stop me in my tracks personally! I plan on taking a whole year of this mentor ship class next year and taking as many science classes as I possibly can! The reason I want to take many science classes is because I can get some scientific basics out of the way when it comes to myself and college classes I am required to take. I love how I already have my next year of school planned out! Does it not show how badly I am ready to get out of this small town?

Overall, I was surprised that everything that I have needed to know or needed to see has been brought to my attention and I am able to continue taking HUGE steps forward! To me, these steps are no longer small, steady, or safe. They are risky and sometimes they seem to be impossible, but I am trying to view them as maintainable so that I can make it through one single more year of high school until I am out of here!

And the Dice Keeps Rolling

A new college has been brought to my attention. It's Texas A&M University! My step dad told me that it is a really good school and that there are many traditions that I would enjoy if I went there. He also said that, that school is where many of his friends went and they loved it! So, with me being me, I did a little research myself and well, pretty much fell in love with the school! The new comers are called "Aggies." Don't ask me why, but I can tell you that it is one of the many traditions that is set at the school. I found it interesting and welcoming. Another tradition is the participation in the school's football games. You have to attend pre-game meetings to learn how to cheer them on correctly when they do certain actions during the game. Now, with my cheerleading skills and comfort with cheering a team on, that should be no problem for me! Now, enough with the traditions and on with the actual University. Did I mention the fact that this school is number seven on The Best Veterinary Colleges top ten? This completely fulfills my want to be learning the best of the best skills so that I can be a best of the best veterinarian! It's crazy to think that in seven more months I will be able to start applying for colleges and aiming for some scholarships!

Right now I need to focus on keeping my grades high and preparing for ACT and SAT tests. These tests could practically rule my future! I can't slack right now and I am nervous to actually go and take the tests, but in all reality who isn't nervous? To be honest, I feel I have been slacking in every single subject of school! I was complaining to my mom on how I just wanted to drop it all and call a quits. These are some stressful times, but I can never just call a quits because I know that it is something I will always regret. So, I'll let "the dice keep rolling" and take what ever odds come my way. The show, of college, must go on!