Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is Completely Worn Out So New?

My thoughts on college and actions towards college have been completely cut into every single little piece possible and there is no way I can continue writing about it! With that much being said, I am leaving that dreadful topic behind me and starting with something new to write about that won't ever run out of something for me to comment on. That topic will be scripture study and interpretation of a single verse out of the bible. I chose this topic because it will help me catch up with the three years of procrastination I have used when it comes to reading the scriptures!

Please understand that my interpretations and understandings may be completely off the wall and nothing that anyone has ever came up with. I am a free spirit and I am not tied down to a single religion or church so, I am very open minded and sometimes stubborn. I absolutely love church hopping and learning about all the different religion's that are out there. All I ask is that who ever is reading this, don't take my opinions or comments personally. I am not a professional when it comes to interpreting the good word. After all, I'm only human... Not perfect!

So I'm going to randomly open the book, close my eyes, and point to a random verse and that is where my blog begins...

1 Timothy 1:11

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection."

The woman's role within the church and family life is very different from the man's role. The man has the power and the woman works under his authority. It is a man's duty to pray and teach the word and it is the woman's duty to listen, absorb, learn, and ask no question's along they way. She must not take on the role of a men but, rather sit in silence.

This simple verse obviously says a lot. I know modern day women try to argue the fact that men hold the most power and that they are the dominant authority figure. Women believe that they can be just as good and sometimes even better than men........ My argument is one simple verse..... Hebrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Need I say more?

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