Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Less is More...

I opened the book, closed my eyes, and pointed to the most amazing verse I believe I have ever read!

Hebrews 13:2

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

No, they are not actual angels that have been sent down to sit in your classroom or work place. They are the regular normal person who is striving to succeed the test of life just like you. The only thing different about them is that they could be one of The Chosen Ones who get to live eternally in God's kingdom as a God themselves. This scripture is plainly trying to state the fact that the act of kindness towards those who you do not know is spreading God's love even to those who knew nothing of him. Your one simple act of kindness can turn another person's life directly around. That is one of the goals in this life... To let brotherly love continue on and on.

About three years ago I stopped going to the church that I was raised up in. Don't get me wrong, the religion was GREAT but, it just wasn't for me. I felt like there was something more out there just waiting for me to reveal. The first few months without going to church I felt really lost. At that time I had a really good friend of mine who was very excited to introduce and teach me the basics of his religion. I went to his church and I found it very interesting to see how different the two religions were and yet they were still very similar.

After attending his church, I still felt lost but, he was not about to give up on me. The next day I got five pages, written on the front and back, from him that were filled with scriptures and interpretations of those scriptures. I couldn't believe that he would take the time to write TEN pages of scriptures for me! I was thankful for what he did for me and his act of kindness took me to places that I never would have dreamed of! He was, at that time in my life, an angle!

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