Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Truth Be Told

Numbers 12:6

"And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream."

This verse is very strong to those who are righteous and are seeking answers from their Heavenly Father. But the question is, what defines what a prophet is? If I spread my beliefs around to those whom are lost, does that not make me a prophet? What would I personally have to do, to gain the title of being a prophet? By now if the rule was to just spread the word of my beliefs, I would literally be a prophet! I know that I am not a prophet because I have had no "visions" that the Lord has spoken of.

To know which church is the right church is a hard subject to decide on. There are so many religions in the world that it is almost impossible to decide on which one is the true church. Many people say to pray about it and ask for the answer. I personally have tested this "prayer" and I still don't know which church is true. For me, I believe that all churches are worthy of being the true church because there is only one ticket to heaven and many places to get that ticket.

It wouldn't be fair if a person was born on the earth and never had the chance to become introduced to the true religion. The question that arises from this fact is that, do they get a second chance to redeem themselves once they die? Because they never had the chance to experience the truth, wouldn't it only be logical for them to be able to have a second chance? I can't see the great all mighty Lord sending one of his sons or daughters to Earth, just to have them banished for life. Every one has, or should have, an equal chance of Salvation no matter what religion they practice!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jeremiah 22:19

"He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem."

This verse speaks wicked to me. If there is a man who has died and is sentenced to be buried like a useless animal and cast from the pure land of Jerusalem itself, it clearly means that he has a history of wicked and evil that fills his pages. To not be seen worthy in the eyes of the Lord is an obstacle that sends chills down every human who thinks of the second coming and judgement day. To know that you could be the person who is cast off beyond the gates of Jerusalem is the scariest knowledge of all. I suppose if you are worthy of committing the sins, you are worthy of living with the consequences that follow with them.

Sometimes it can make a person wonder what is considered a sin. What is the difference between a huge sin, a little sin and everything in between? Who has been given the right to punish those who have done wrong? If someone has done wrong, do they have the chance to redeem themselves before they are sentenced to everlasting hell?

The answer is no one. No one on this earth has the right to judge any other person. The only person who can judge you is yourself and your heavenly father when judgment day comes to pass. If an obstacle or temptation comes into your life and you fall into the depths of that temptation, your mind automatically knows right from wrong and you will know that you have done wrong.... After all, you carry the spirit of the lord because he sent you here on purpose. I believe that there is a chance for redemption. It's called repentance!!!!

Voice Be Heard

Psalms 3:6

"I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about."

I have come to find that in the small amount of time that I have been living, people fear the unknown and there is no possible way to convince them other wise. I personally am scared to death of the unknown. I may sound completely selfish when I say this but, I don't want there to be a world or life after this. I feel like one life is enough for me. I just want to have lived my earthly life and call it good. Isn't one life to live enough! I don't want to live on and on and on and never die out. If I do not live a righteous life then I will have to live on in the depths of hell itself. WHY CAN'T I JUST BE DONE!

This scripture verse is in its own way a slap in the face reminder that there is a life after this. There is something so much more and better than this life here on earth, but you have to follow his plan and continue to be righteous until the very end. In a world so full of temptation and sin, it is hard not to find yourself being full and caught up in sin yourself. With all these struggles, how is it humanly possible to live a righteous life?

You must follow your own heart and beliefs and not care or "fear" those who stand around and judge you for those having those beliefs. That is the path to redemption and only you can make that difference in your life.

Biology Class and My Thoughts

Today we learned about what evolution is and what it isn't in Biology class. At the very beginning of class I thought I knew what Evolution was all about. I thought it dealt with the Big Bang Theory and how the world came to be. I thought it was about how a simple bacteria was the first life form and how it grew into something bigger and better.... Different species. I had many arguments on how and why it could or couldn't coincide with religion. I personally don't fully believe in evolution, but there are certain aspects that I do believe in about it. All my arguments seemed to hit the surface of evolution until the actual definition was said.

Evolution is a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially to a more advanced or mature stage). This definition has nothing at all to do with The Big Bang Theory or how the world came to be. It doesn't even scratch the surface of those subjects! It only talks about the "worm" that, with a given time, can become a "snake". With this new knowledge, my arguments were shot down the drain and I had nothing to say on the subject. So, here are my thoughts on whether or not to believe the Big Bang Theory.

Yes, it is clear to see that it is just a theory, but it is there to be believed in or not to be believed in. I personally believe in the theory and it coincides perfectly with my religious beliefs! How? Well, in the bible it talks about the seven days that God worked to create the world. Although it does not go in to depth on how he created the world, I believe that the Big Bang Theory makes perfect sense. Every day for a human being is a millennium for God. Given seven "days" to create the world gave him seven millenniums to create the world. The Big Bang could have clearly been part of the huge plan to even create the world for him to build off of. He had enough time to plan everything out for the Theory to occur and enough time to actually make it occur!

It leads on to the creation of the dinosaurs whose dead bodies have created a portion of the oil that we abundantly use today. Dinosaurs weren't just put on the earth for no reason at all! It has God written all over it! That is why I have no problem with the Big Bang Theory and certain aspects of evolution itself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This Research Project

I just wanted to quickly state how ridiculous it is that I can write so much over one simple verse in the bible, but when it comes to writing a five page report for my English class over pages and pages of information I can't even think or come up with a sentence to piece together my thoughts over that section. Does everyone have this problem?

I suppose writing a good research paper is not in my cards. There are two different ways that I write. The first kind of writing is a journal of my life. I write all my emotions out on the paper. It creates a way for me to release all of my negative and positive emotions that are on my mind without completely letting go. When I look back on my writing's I am able to learn from mistakes and understand why I am in the position that I am at. The second kind of writing is forced writing. I am motivated to write a rambling paper on a topic of my choice because I need to keep my grades up. I am definitely not a writer and I don't believe that I will ever want to be! Just like that cards in my life; they have been dealt.

Speaking of cards in my life, I am waiting for the chance to get a patriarchal blessing. From what I can understand, it is pretty much a process of fortune telling and who you are meant to be. A patriarchal blessing is known within the LDS church. It is supposed to be a good experience and you are able to understand and work on your listed strength's and weaknesses. I am ready for this information to be past down to me

Another event that I am ready for is the LDS temple. I have sadly been brain washed into a world of going to the temple to get married, perform baptism for the dead, engaging in everlasting family, etc. All of these events I am no longer part of, but some of them scream at me loud and clear telling me to come back to church and accept everything about it. Trust me, I have done my "research" on the church and I personally don't want to go back. I need a Church that I can elaborate on as if I were talking about myself and my journal!

The Man Who Is Saving The World a Door At a Time

This blog entry is not going to contain a random scripture verse but rather a random story that I would like to share. Today, which is Saturday, there was a knock on my front door. I answered it and found myself to be soon entangled up in a 15 minute talk with a polite and wise man. He came to teach the word of God because my mom, being the nice person she is, told him to come back and bring the spirit with him whenever he wanted to or could.

I was interested in what he had to say so I didn't let him leave like he was insisting on doing. He had drove to our house just to give a little information about the word and to turn him away just because the TV seemed to be more important would have been completely unreal!

His first question for me was, "What do you think people would do when Christ came to the Earth again?" I stalled for a second and confidently said, "They would be terrified." He laughed and said "No, they would be happy. The word says that he is going to return with his own government one of these days and there are many people who have been waiting for his return. To finally have him here would be the greatest blessing of all."

I stated that people would be terrified because there is so much evil and hate in the world that good nearly ceases to exist. To actually face the maker and know that you have done wrong is..... scary. It makes you want to rethink every single action you have done and all the sins that you have not yet repented of and change it all for the better. I personally would look like a disobedient child to the maker. It's embarrassing to stand before him in filth and try to feel good about yourself at the same.

The man continued on with how God's government would effect the world. One statement that gave me a little laugh was when he said, "With God's government there will be no pollution. He knows how to use the resources of the land that he created and man only knows how to destroy it! Also, with his government, we will have the best health care! He can heal the sick and create miracles!"

It was amazing to me to see this man go out of his way to try and spread the word on a Saturday evening. I idol missionaries because they give up so much time trying to be God's messenger's and angel's to people who don't even want to give them the time of day. Personally, if education and success wasn't such a big deal to obtain during one's life time, I would be a missionary who helps teach the word. I gives kudos to this older man! He is doing the best job of them all!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Science or the Book

Romans 1:20

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

I believe that everyone has heard the term Atheist; someone who does not believe that there is a God. There are many reasons to believe that there is no God and it is very easy to stray away from the many teachings that come from the book and church itself. One of these reasons may be the "scientific" theories of the Big Bang and Evolution. Somewhere in the Bible it plainly says not to mix up and compare the findings of science with the actual word. I can understand why someone who has learned of Evolution and the creation of the world through a scientific perspective would believe that there is no God. In science there is no Godhead who creates everything living and non-living that surrounds us. The title of God, in this case, would be completely unnecessary and foolish.

The verse that I randomly chose clearly states that human kind has no excuses what-so-ever to not believe in God. It states that there must be an understanding of how the earth was made. Whether this understanding be through science or the book of Genesis, it is understood and believed by someone through faith. You must have faith to believe in something or someone who is not there. To have faith in science and the book is different than having the knowledge of both. Having the knowledge can help you decide what path you are going to take and what "theories" you are going to believe in.

To each his own.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's a Gift

Isaiah 6:10

"Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed."

Many people may hear the word of God, but they do not come any where close to feeling the power behind his words. If people's hearts are hardened and they are no longer able to hear, speak, see, or feel the power of the word, then they will go searching for it. This would be a useful technique to get followers of God back on track. Since they went without the word for so long, the next time that they hear it, they will feel the power and and become "healed" of their wickedness.

I went to a church in Kim before while I was on my habit of church hopping every Sunday with friends of mine. The preacher, or Danny in this case, read from the bible in a section that I cannot recall at this moment but, he spoke of how the good book was brought back on to the earth and how many people gathered together just to hear it be read aloud. Thousands of people came and stood for three days just to hear what was in the book. Not one person complained and they were happy. The stood with humble hearts and they took in every word allowing it to strengthen their soul.

Today, church services can last from 2-4 hours on the Sabbath day. The entire time, there is one person who does not want to be there. There are families who stay for the first hour to hear the service and partake of sacrament and then they leave and call it a good Sabbath. I am guilty of those last few sentences.... Where has worship, love, understanding, service, and faith gone? The world would be hectic if the Bible was taken from the earth again, and here we are taking every single second of it for advantage. We have the instructions for life at the palm of our hands and yet, we never read them... When I heard of the people who waited and stood days on end just to hear the word I realized that the world today needs that same exact sense of direction. To be able to restore the gospel in the minds and hearts of everyone, including myself, would be a miracle in itself.

Less is More...

I opened the book, closed my eyes, and pointed to the most amazing verse I believe I have ever read!

Hebrews 13:2

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

No, they are not actual angels that have been sent down to sit in your classroom or work place. They are the regular normal person who is striving to succeed the test of life just like you. The only thing different about them is that they could be one of The Chosen Ones who get to live eternally in God's kingdom as a God themselves. This scripture is plainly trying to state the fact that the act of kindness towards those who you do not know is spreading God's love even to those who knew nothing of him. Your one simple act of kindness can turn another person's life directly around. That is one of the goals in this life... To let brotherly love continue on and on.

About three years ago I stopped going to the church that I was raised up in. Don't get me wrong, the religion was GREAT but, it just wasn't for me. I felt like there was something more out there just waiting for me to reveal. The first few months without going to church I felt really lost. At that time I had a really good friend of mine who was very excited to introduce and teach me the basics of his religion. I went to his church and I found it very interesting to see how different the two religions were and yet they were still very similar.

After attending his church, I still felt lost but, he was not about to give up on me. The next day I got five pages, written on the front and back, from him that were filled with scriptures and interpretations of those scriptures. I couldn't believe that he would take the time to write TEN pages of scriptures for me! I was thankful for what he did for me and his act of kindness took me to places that I never would have dreamed of! He was, at that time in my life, an angle!

This is Completely Worn Out So New?

My thoughts on college and actions towards college have been completely cut into every single little piece possible and there is no way I can continue writing about it! With that much being said, I am leaving that dreadful topic behind me and starting with something new to write about that won't ever run out of something for me to comment on. That topic will be scripture study and interpretation of a single verse out of the bible. I chose this topic because it will help me catch up with the three years of procrastination I have used when it comes to reading the scriptures!

Please understand that my interpretations and understandings may be completely off the wall and nothing that anyone has ever came up with. I am a free spirit and I am not tied down to a single religion or church so, I am very open minded and sometimes stubborn. I absolutely love church hopping and learning about all the different religion's that are out there. All I ask is that who ever is reading this, don't take my opinions or comments personally. I am not a professional when it comes to interpreting the good word. After all, I'm only human... Not perfect!

So I'm going to randomly open the book, close my eyes, and point to a random verse and that is where my blog begins...

1 Timothy 1:11

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection."

The woman's role within the church and family life is very different from the man's role. The man has the power and the woman works under his authority. It is a man's duty to pray and teach the word and it is the woman's duty to listen, absorb, learn, and ask no question's along they way. She must not take on the role of a men but, rather sit in silence.

This simple verse obviously says a lot. I know modern day women try to argue the fact that men hold the most power and that they are the dominant authority figure. Women believe that they can be just as good and sometimes even better than men........ My argument is one simple verse..... Hebrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Need I say more?