Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Idea Continues

I have concluded to the thought of being a Veterinarian! So, what now? Well, first I want to mention that ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a vet. It seemed to me that every little girl's dream was to either be a vet, teacher, or Cinderella! I thought that my dream was just a phase that I was going through and I would get over it with time. But, I remember a time in eighth grade when the entire class was able to go and job shadow someone. The first job that came to my head was the vet, but as I asked what other's were doing they quickly said I am going to the Veterinary Clinic! My idea went out the window and I went searching for a different job to job shadow. That was a HUGE mistake on my part! If I would have stuck to my original plans I could already have had my college and career for my future planned out! Well, for the most part that is. So, here I am three years later still stuck on the idea that I tried to throw out the window my entire life because I thought it was a silly phase! I won't dwell on what has happened in the past though because I can only live in the now!

Now, back to what I am going to do next. I texted an old friend, who may also be known as the valedictorian of the class of 2009, and told him my ideas for my future. He quickly accepted my ideas and offered to give me a mentor ship! So, in a few days I will be under the wing of someone who knows what they are doing and hopefully I will get a taste of what I am getting myself into! In the meantime, I will be researching colleges that reach my expectations and offers the best of the best education for me to become well, a best of the best Veterinarian! I personally want to stay in Colorado for college, but I also have options in Texas because that is where my family is moving this upcoming summer! It all depends on me and what I choose to do though. I believe that where I choose to go is where I am meant to be! Faith... It's a wonderful gift!

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