Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hey, I've Figured It Out

I have been procrastinating... Not a good sign, but it's written across my forehead in permanent ink for all to see, or in this case read. I still haven't went and talked to that lady. I will try to make it a priority for tomorrow. If I don't write a post tomorrow about her, than that tells you that I either didn't stick to my priorities or I just got busy and didn't get to my computer! Either way, I am still procrastinating.

I don't have any new news to talk about when the idea of college comes to topic. I can say Texas is definitely a "hot spot" for me now. If you think about it, that is where my family will be. The people who will always be there and will love me no matter what. They will never let me down or leave me in the dust because yeah, they are pretty much obligated to, but because they understand that I am not a perfect human being and that I will mess up at times. My mistakes will never change their minds about me! Texas has always been a second home to me also, so I don't see why I have been trying to run away from the idea! Now, to me, it sounds like melted chocolate over marshmallows and gram crackers or, as everyone knows, delicious smores! I love how my life can be a metaphor for so many different situations!

Today I was thinking about college and school in general and thought I would never be able to make it through the day! It's all very stressful but, the stress was taken away once I got home and spent the evening with my sister and a girl who wanted to give us make-overs. It's always refreshing to get a new look that makes you feel great and boost your self esteem every once in a while but, that's all besides the point. The point is that this girl was actually doing business and making money by "playing with makeup." How cool is that! She talked to us about how she got her business started and how anyone can start it. I was instantly interested in what she was telling us and thought to myself that it would be a fun hobby and easy money. So, as of right this moment, I am thinking about looking more into that business and going out to "play with makeup" myself! It will be interesting and good practice for me once I get out into the working world! It's another step closer to my success!

1 comment:

  1. I think Texas would be a really good place for you especially since your family will be there too. My family is the reason that I want to stay in Colorado for college because I know I would really miss my mom and I would like to see my family on the weekends... You better go and talk to the lady you need to talk to tomorrow so you can be another step closer to your future goal :)
