Monday, January 11, 2010

First thoughts about this situation (Independence)

Every day that passes by I have to face the fact that I am one day closer to becoming independent, getting my driver's license, graduating, looking for a college, getting a job, and just plain and simple, finding out who I really am and what my purpose is. That's easy isn't it? Well, to me I feel like the world is going to end! Independence, yes that comes easy, but I only say that right now because I am still living under the comfortable wing of my parents. I can't say it is easy until I am actually living in the moment of independence. Everything else I have listed is minor except for figuring out who I am and choosing a college to suit my talents that I come to find will describe me perfectly! So, how to get there?

Small steps with few large steps in between that's how. I am the kind of person who likes the easy way out of things, but lets face it, who doesn't like the easy way out? Unfortunately, life throws the most challenging and most seemingly impossible obstacles your way just to ironically make your day... NOT! So, I have decided to suck it up and take on the impossible. My motto for life at this point is now, "I don't try, I do." That's straight forward enough is it not? The thing that I am not trying, but doing, is getting a deeper insight on who I am and what I am good at. I brain stormed for a good ten minutes and when I found myself coming up with nothing interesting I decided to turn to my mom for advise. She instantly went off on this huge image of me inventing something great, writing the best novel (as a hobby), being a doctor, or being a scientist who deals with the many chemicals in the world to cure diseases. Now... I thought I just explained how I like the easy way out of things! Her ideas made me laugh and only think of her being completely silly.

As a few minutes passed, I believe the best idea crossed my mind. It's an idea that has changed my outlook on who I am and what I should be doing. An idea that makes me want to start searching for colleges. An idea that makes me brainstorm the people who have had the same idea and can give me a mentor ship. An idea that gives me something to work hard for and strive for. An idea that not only makes me happy, but also allows me to live up to my recent motto without a problem. An idea that excites anyone who hears of it. An idea that says, "I, Stephanie Brown, am going to be a veterinarian!" First step down!


  1. It's scary thinking about the future, or even college. I think that it is really good that you already know what you want to go to school for because I wish I could say the same but I can't... I think if being a vet would make you happy, then that is what you should become :)

  2. (said in an wise voice...) The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You have begun that journey - grasshopper!

    (If you don't understand the grasshopper - you'll have to watch an old Kungfu series from TV!)
