Thursday, January 28, 2010

Give Me Some Kudos!

I went in today and talked to that girl just like I said I was going to! I don't live up to the name of procrastinator! The meeting went well I think. I mean I don't believe that I came off as "creepy." I just went in and introduced myself with my chin up and a smile on my face. She was nice and very accepting, especially when I told her who reffered me to her. I instantly began to talk about my ideas of a mentorship and she gladly approved and is willing to help me out. We set a timed date to meet up with one another so that we wouldn't be rushed and so she would have a few stacks of information to give me that she obviously doesn't have prepared. I am very excited and glad that things turned out the way that they did! She is very nice and I am on my way to getting a mentorship! One step closer world!

Today I went to lunch with one of my friends and I told her the ideas that I had on the makeup business. She thought it was the coolest thing ever! See, that prooves the saying of what girl doesn't love makeup! Right now it is just a simple idea to me though. Just like college and where I will be in the next five years. It is all just one big huge idea and I am taking baby steps to get there. I do what makes me happy and I do what is best for me. If any decisions that I make don't seem to suit me I will drop them right on the spot! I know who I am! It is funny that on my first blog that I wrote, I was completely clueless to the very thought of who I am and where I will be going to college. I have really came a long way! That makes my day and well, LIFE!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hey, I've Figured It Out

I have been procrastinating... Not a good sign, but it's written across my forehead in permanent ink for all to see, or in this case read. I still haven't went and talked to that lady. I will try to make it a priority for tomorrow. If I don't write a post tomorrow about her, than that tells you that I either didn't stick to my priorities or I just got busy and didn't get to my computer! Either way, I am still procrastinating.

I don't have any new news to talk about when the idea of college comes to topic. I can say Texas is definitely a "hot spot" for me now. If you think about it, that is where my family will be. The people who will always be there and will love me no matter what. They will never let me down or leave me in the dust because yeah, they are pretty much obligated to, but because they understand that I am not a perfect human being and that I will mess up at times. My mistakes will never change their minds about me! Texas has always been a second home to me also, so I don't see why I have been trying to run away from the idea! Now, to me, it sounds like melted chocolate over marshmallows and gram crackers or, as everyone knows, delicious smores! I love how my life can be a metaphor for so many different situations!

Today I was thinking about college and school in general and thought I would never be able to make it through the day! It's all very stressful but, the stress was taken away once I got home and spent the evening with my sister and a girl who wanted to give us make-overs. It's always refreshing to get a new look that makes you feel great and boost your self esteem every once in a while but, that's all besides the point. The point is that this girl was actually doing business and making money by "playing with makeup." How cool is that! She talked to us about how she got her business started and how anyone can start it. I was instantly interested in what she was telling us and thought to myself that it would be a fun hobby and easy money. So, as of right this moment, I am thinking about looking more into that business and going out to "play with makeup" myself! It will be interesting and good practice for me once I get out into the working world! It's another step closer to my success!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Everything's On the Slow Go

The lady that I was referred to is currently very intimidating to me and I refuse to step into her classroom! No, actually that isn't the truth... I just haven't had the time to stop by and say, "Hey I'm a complete stranger, but i know everything about you and I was wondering if you could help me with.... well, my life!" To be honest those words are exactly what play through my mind every single time I pass by her classroom. I believe that I possibly need to find a way to rephrase that so I don't come off as creepy! I feel like a lost pup who doesn't know her way home! This whole college thing is a great idea, but it is stressful! Eventually, I will talk to her. I will give it at least another week.

My research on the other hand has become just a tad bit more deep. I have been receiving information in the mail that I requested be sent from certain colleges and institutes. This information is useful because I have really been able to see what the college is all about and what campus life would be like if I were to choose that college. No, I do not have any new ideas or wants besides here in Colorado or down in Texas. That decision is bound to change at any second though so, I am not going to set my mind on one place... yet.

It scares me to think that I have been needing other people's help to help me decide on where to go for college. Why? College rings the word INDEPENDENT loud and clear and leaning on other people to get me there is me being completely dependent. I am not sure if I am just thinking too much about the whole situation, but I do know that people at this point in my life are my friends. Without people, I would most likely run away from the very thought of college and independence. My life quote is, "I don't try. I do." Just remind me to remind myself my quote the next time you see me and... Wha la! I am back to being dependent.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

This Blew My Mind So, Maybe It Will For You Too

So, that mentor ship I was talking about.... I will just come right out and say it... I kinda, pretty much, technically, okay did, get stood up. Yeah, go ahead and laugh it off and ask me if I believe in karma now. My answer would be yes! I don't want to write about the situation and what happened so, I'll make up the excuse that he was on Christmas vacation and had more "interesting" things to do than educate a junior in the field of science that he is best at! If you can tell, I am upset, but read what happened next! I had A LOT of anger running through my mind and I couldn't just put a cap on it and call it good. I had to find a way to release my anger so, i wrote a text and pressed send. I would recite the text but, unfortunately it all should be censored and I don't have it on my phone any longer! I quickly gained knowledge of his side of the story and my release if anger was soon turned into many apologies... I could say now that that was embarrassing.

Now that I apparently was in a different state of mind, he referred me to a woman who could take me under her wing just as she did for him. I guess he felt bad for not being able to make our "date" for a mentor ship. So, now that he is out of the story I am on my way to go see this lady. She actually works at the high school so, the situation is perfect for me for a couple reasons. One, she can't stand me up ever because she is stuck in the high school. Two, I can go any time that I am ready to go talk! This won't interfere with my social hour after school is out! I like how much help I am getting from those around me because without them... I would have no story to tell whatsoever.

I found two good colleges in Colorado. One is right out of Denver and it is called Bel Rea. The other is in Fort Collins. The interesting facts that I like about Bel Rea is that it is a Institute. This means only two years of college without having to go to college for the basics and getting an Associates in Veterinary Technology and Medicine. The only problem with Bel Rea is that I can only be a Veterinaries Technician Assistant when it comes to the outside world and getting a career. I want to be the vet! Not the vet's assistant! Yes, maybe for a college job, but not for a job my whole life! Now, I don't know much about Fort Collins, but I have been told to go check it out by six different people so, I am guessing that it is a decent place to go! So far that has been all the research that I have done. Texas is another story... all I have to say is that my parents are all over that one! Right now I am just going to keep on keeping on and hopefully I will get a job in April as an assistant! First, I need to pass my driver's license. :/ Now that literally is a whole other story!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Idea Continues

I have concluded to the thought of being a Veterinarian! So, what now? Well, first I want to mention that ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a vet. It seemed to me that every little girl's dream was to either be a vet, teacher, or Cinderella! I thought that my dream was just a phase that I was going through and I would get over it with time. But, I remember a time in eighth grade when the entire class was able to go and job shadow someone. The first job that came to my head was the vet, but as I asked what other's were doing they quickly said I am going to the Veterinary Clinic! My idea went out the window and I went searching for a different job to job shadow. That was a HUGE mistake on my part! If I would have stuck to my original plans I could already have had my college and career for my future planned out! Well, for the most part that is. So, here I am three years later still stuck on the idea that I tried to throw out the window my entire life because I thought it was a silly phase! I won't dwell on what has happened in the past though because I can only live in the now!

Now, back to what I am going to do next. I texted an old friend, who may also be known as the valedictorian of the class of 2009, and told him my ideas for my future. He quickly accepted my ideas and offered to give me a mentor ship! So, in a few days I will be under the wing of someone who knows what they are doing and hopefully I will get a taste of what I am getting myself into! In the meantime, I will be researching colleges that reach my expectations and offers the best of the best education for me to become well, a best of the best Veterinarian! I personally want to stay in Colorado for college, but I also have options in Texas because that is where my family is moving this upcoming summer! It all depends on me and what I choose to do though. I believe that where I choose to go is where I am meant to be! Faith... It's a wonderful gift!

Monday, January 11, 2010

First thoughts about this situation (Independence)

Every day that passes by I have to face the fact that I am one day closer to becoming independent, getting my driver's license, graduating, looking for a college, getting a job, and just plain and simple, finding out who I really am and what my purpose is. That's easy isn't it? Well, to me I feel like the world is going to end! Independence, yes that comes easy, but I only say that right now because I am still living under the comfortable wing of my parents. I can't say it is easy until I am actually living in the moment of independence. Everything else I have listed is minor except for figuring out who I am and choosing a college to suit my talents that I come to find will describe me perfectly! So, how to get there?

Small steps with few large steps in between that's how. I am the kind of person who likes the easy way out of things, but lets face it, who doesn't like the easy way out? Unfortunately, life throws the most challenging and most seemingly impossible obstacles your way just to ironically make your day... NOT! So, I have decided to suck it up and take on the impossible. My motto for life at this point is now, "I don't try, I do." That's straight forward enough is it not? The thing that I am not trying, but doing, is getting a deeper insight on who I am and what I am good at. I brain stormed for a good ten minutes and when I found myself coming up with nothing interesting I decided to turn to my mom for advise. She instantly went off on this huge image of me inventing something great, writing the best novel (as a hobby), being a doctor, or being a scientist who deals with the many chemicals in the world to cure diseases. Now... I thought I just explained how I like the easy way out of things! Her ideas made me laugh and only think of her being completely silly.

As a few minutes passed, I believe the best idea crossed my mind. It's an idea that has changed my outlook on who I am and what I should be doing. An idea that makes me want to start searching for colleges. An idea that makes me brainstorm the people who have had the same idea and can give me a mentor ship. An idea that gives me something to work hard for and strive for. An idea that not only makes me happy, but also allows me to live up to my recent motto without a problem. An idea that excites anyone who hears of it. An idea that says, "I, Stephanie Brown, am going to be a veterinarian!" First step down!

this is it

The end

Saturday, January 2, 2010