I went in today and talked to that girl just like I said I was going to! I don't live up to the name of procrastinator! The meeting went well I think. I mean I don't believe that I came off as "creepy." I just went in and introduced myself with my chin up and a smile on my face. She was nice and very accepting, especially when I told her who reffered me to her. I instantly began to talk about my ideas of a mentorship and she gladly approved and is willing to help me out. We set a timed date to meet up with one another so that we wouldn't be rushed and so she would have a few stacks of information to give me that she obviously doesn't have prepared. I am very excited and glad that things turned out the way that they did! She is very nice and I am on my way to getting a mentorship! One step closer world!
Today I went to lunch with one of my friends and I told her the ideas that I had on the makeup business. She thought it was the coolest thing ever! See, that prooves the saying of what girl doesn't love makeup! Right now it is just a simple idea to me though. Just like college and where I will be in the next five years. It is all just one big huge idea and I am taking baby steps to get there. I do what makes me happy and I do what is best for me. If any decisions that I make don't seem to suit me I will drop them right on the spot! I know who I am! It is funny that on my first blog that I wrote, I was completely clueless to the very thought of who I am and where I will be going to college. I have really came a long way! That makes my day and well, LIFE!